Beyond ourselves
We support the work of our Methodist church both at home and in the wider world.
1.The Fund for World Mission supports our Mission partners both at home and overseas.
2.We have established a strong link with the Methodist Hospital at Maua in Kenya and continue to receive regular updates from Dr C Smithson and Barbara Dickinson. We have a Birthday Scheme up and continuing to run throughout lockdown. In return for a card ( many designed by Gwyneth Swift to whom we are grateful) on our birthday and, with thanks for the availability of medical care, free at the point of need, we commit to making an annual donation to the work there. A big thanks to those already members and a request that you think of joining us.
3 In addition we support the work of the All We Can. The chairty works through local agencies in many countries hit by poverty, drought, and other problems. It is in the main long-term, on the ground help though they will make substantial donations in emergencies through existing contacts.
4. J( unior) M(ission) for A(ll) continues. If your child would like a collection pot to help raise funds, please speak with a steward on a Sunday.
5. Mission at home is not overlooked. Mission in Britain is equally important. See our ‘Love Doncaster’ page for how we’re actively serving others. 20% of JMA giving is donated to Mission in Britain or you can give direct.
We also share in the annual Christian Aid appeal. To this end we have a dedicated team who take out envelopes to members and our community when other means are not possible.